Original Paintings by Birgit Dossow
While painting I experience myself as a chalice of the divine,
pure inspiration from the highest source
flowing through me
onto the canvas.
What a gift.
Mit diesen Seelenbildern eines erweiterten Bewusstseins
dich im Herzen zu berühren, zu inspirieren und zu erinnern,
ist hier meine Erfüllung.
Welcome to My Gallery
Ich freue mich von Herzen.
 If you feel like blessing your home or your serving space
with one of my soulful paintings,
it is a honour to me.
I warmly invite you to contact me.
The original paintings

in my gallery are mostly

Ich freue mich.
Von Herzen,
Dankbarkeit von Herzen Embodied Spirit Art Gallery
Reminiscing Your Divine Essence